Digicuro IoT

Automate access control through smart wifi connected sensors

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Digicuro IOT Apps

IoT Applications transforming Shared Workspace Management

With IoT Application multiple solutions can be offered to transform coworking spaces into smarter, dynamic and interactive workplaces.

Smart Biometrics based Entry and Exits
Smart Biometrics based Entry and Exits
Energy Consumption and Utilization
Energy Consumption and Utilization
Smart Security Cameras
Smart Security Cameras
Cashless Payment System
Cashless Payment System

Benefits of Smart IoT Application

We have worked upon range of robust IoT solutions requirements based o beacon app development, Asset tracking, Smart plant, Smart homes, Smart Museum, Connected cars and live tracking solutions.

touchless payment

Custom calendar management dashboard

Web Dashboard

To identify your valuable members

Branded Android/iOS Apps

Cashless digital in-house payment process

Touch-less Visitor Management Solution

How an IoT-Enabled workspace fuels employee productivity?

  • Interactive voice response.

  • Conference Booking.

  • Smart Climate control.

  • Real time access to information.

    Make your future with us !

    •   Responsive workspaces.

    •   IoT & Sustainability.

    •   Workspaces are evolving to embrace advancements in technology.

    •   IoT-propelled workspaces, ready to take over.

    •   Data-driven changes in workspaces.
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      Touch-less Visitor Management Solution
      Touch-less Visitor Management Solution

      Manage all smart features and controls on the go!

      • This app is designed for space admins to manage all smart features and controls on the go! Available across industries, coworking spaces, real estate, retail, malls, tech parks, residential and commercial properties!.

      • Control your appliances remotely from anywhere in the world. See analytics and set scenes according to your requirements.

        IoT Can Better Manage Your Flexible Office Space

        •   A range of access systems is now available to allow your members to enter and exit your flexible workspace with the swipe of a card, phone, or fingertip. Many popular systems use Bluetooth beacons and keyless entry based on mobile apps to provide a truly seamless user experience.

        •   While cutting edge access systems open up your space to the masses, you also need to make sure your space is secure.
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          Guest Emergency
          Covid Guest

          IoT everywhere!!

          • IoT technology is constantly evolving to meet the changing demands of your work space’s members. It provides you with a cutting edge method to make your space more accessible, easier to use, cheaper to run, and more environmentally friendly.

          • The IoT also produces vast amounts of information about your space. By analyzing this data, you can identify popular areas or facilities and optimize your space to give your members what they want, when they want it.
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            Now manage your space simply and smartly with Digicuro.

            •   Smart Camras with Secure Access.

            •   Smart access with payments is equal to additional revenue streams.

            •   IoT-optimized energy is equal to environmental benefits with cost savings.
              LEARN MORE
              Touch-less Visitor Management Solution

              The New Way of Working

              Let's know what features can help to dive into details while going through a thriving application for your business.

              Sensor controlled Curtains and Lights
              Sensor controlled Curtains and Lights
              Wifi-enabled bell
              Wifi-enabled bell
              Smart Notification
              Smart Notification
              Air quality management
              Air quality management
              Digicuro Admin Branded Apps
              Digicuro Guest

              About Digicuro - Space Management Solution

              • Digicuro provides hassle-free technological setup for your space. With inclusions like easy migration, round the clock support, intensive features, and a vision to foster your growth & increase your revenues.
              • Digicuro is the most efficient Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution available to end-to-end manage, automate, market and escalate the growth of your space in the fastest way possible.

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              We handle coworking security remotely!

              A good place to start when you are thinking of the coworking space security is to take your visitors’ point of view.

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