Instant Host Notifications

  • Automated notification system that sends out emails/text messages to their hosts as soon as the visitor fill up the required information in the software.

  • Not only for your employees but also for your visitors.

Branded Apps
Expense Management feedback

The host is notified of the visitor's presence in the office

  • Whenever a visitor checks in via a visitor management software, at that very moment, the host is notified of the visitor’s presence in the office.

  • Host Notifications works for teams as well. This feature is often overlooked.Messaging for teams means that you can now specify who receives host notifications for an entire team.

  • Customize Check-in because you probably have more than one type of visitor, and not all of them need to go through the same check-in process.

    Contact-less front desk check-in and verify by host for your visitors

    •   Host are notified and they will verify when check-in is complete and your visitor is now ready to be greeted.

    •   Your visitor’s photo ID is captured and verified by the host then visitor badges will print to ensure clear identification.
      Check-ins QR code

      We handle coworking security remotely!

      A good place to start when you are thinking of the coworking space security is to take your visitors’ point of view.