Managing Visitors Across
Multiple Locations

  • Location Customization.

  • Manage all your company’s visitor management systems across multiple locations.

Branded Apps
Expense Management feedback

Bring a consistent experience for visitors across multiple locations

  • Multiple office or building locations can manage all of their Receptionist for iPad configurations from one central hub.

  • By enabling multi-location management, administrators and project owners can save time and effort in adding and managing their company’s multiple visitor management systems from one dashboard.

    Manage hosts from a central hub

    •   In a global company, employees that are hosts in their home office can be visitor -or host- in the other offices of the group.

    •    We allow you to define the user privileges at office-level.
      Check-ins QR code

      We handle coworking security remotely!

      A good place to start when you are thinking of the coworking space security is to take your visitors’ point of view.